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World of Product Management
A comprehensive report with over 70 graphs from
Leadership and Culture | People
Organization | Salaries |
Process and Product
What do PMs think their manager can do to lead them better?
PMs want to grow and they need their managers to provide them with the right opportunities to do that.
We asked the product community what they think their manager could do better to lead them better. And the majority pointed out growth opportunities and feedback as points where they wish their managers improve.
Organizations are shifting their PM internal investment
Due to the times of uncertainty and organizational changes,
companies shifted their focus from externalizing their product
management investments to improving everything within.
Education, internal communication and a highly skilled
workforce became a priority for all companies in the last few
What are the salaries of PMs in different countries?
Money is a sensitive but important subject, and better pay is
one of the top things PMs are looking for in a new job.
See more countries and roles' pay figures in the full
*Product Manager Average Annual Salary – Before Tax in USD